Saturday, July 18, 2009

Purple Bracelet

Here's a new bracelet I made that will be going up on the Etsy site:

Loyd's Pencil Holder

I made this pencil holder for Loyd's birthday. It kind of matches his coasters. I just made up the pattern.

Jojo's Artwork

And now for the main attraction! My grandson Josiah's artswork!


It's spaghetti and meatballs! He's a genius!!


A few bracelets I threw together, soon to be on our Etsy site:

These are crocheted with gold thread.

Butterscotch Mohair Butterfly Hat

Here is another in the series of butterfly hats, featuring my favorite model, the lovely and amazing Skye.

I also made a yellow mohair butterfly hat. It looks similar to the yellow mohair hat below, but it has the signature butterfly in it. Again I got that butterfly design from Vallieskids.

Green and White Washcloth

Made this because it was fast and easy. The It is made from Sugar n Cream Cotton, an apparently discontinued color that I haven't been able to find anywhere else. I bought it at JoAnne's but it looks like they don't carry that color any more, which is a green and white ombre. The pattern came from The Big Book of Dishcloths

Here it is outside hanging on a tree:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yellow Mohair Hat

Made this from the mohair yarn I got on sale at the KnitnNeedle Nook in Mt Dora. Sadly it's closed now, but I think she is looking for a shop closer to Orlando.

The pattern was free on Crochet Pattern Central. It's called 'Lacy Scallop Hat.'

Soon to be up on our Etsy site!

Gold Bookmark

Gold heart bookmark with bead. I got the free pattern from DIY Maven.

Here it is doing it's job, marking my place in Moby Dick. (I'm not really reading Moby Dick, I'm just marking my place. )

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This was fun to do. I got the pattern from a book called Absolutely Gorgeous Doilies from Leisure Arts. The peach thread I got from Mom. I like the way it turned out.

Pink Buttterfly Hat

Pink (Victorian Rose) Butterfly Hat. Soon to be on Etsy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Brown Butterfly Hat

I made another Butterfly Hat, this one out of Lion Brand Homespun yarn.

The bottom picture makes the hat look browner. It's really closer to the top picture, kind of a rusty brown.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dad's Creative Shelving

My Dad also exhibits some creativity.

This is in the basement. It looks precarious, but actually held a lot of stuff at one point.

This one is in the garage.

This is my favorite. It's nailed to the garage wall, and is made of a wooden file cabinet turned on its side, then some sloping wooden slats, finished up with a dog crate. My sister wanted the crate, but it took us forever to get this whole thing apart!

This isn't a shelf, but I like it because it's made from my old playpen slats. I'm 57, so that tells you how old it is.

My dad and me in 1952. I love you Dad!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Orange Butterfly Hat

These are fun and fast to make. On sale at our Etsy shop: The Little Bird Cafe.

WIP Doily

Current Work In Progress. I was inspired by a beautiful huge green doily on a dresser in my sister-in-law's guest bedroom. I didn't ask her about it, but I assume she made it, as she is a non-stop crafter and has made many beautiful things (such as the framed embroidered picture which I highlighted in an earlier blog post.)

This has gone a lot faster than I thought it would and is a lot of fun. I did run out of the peach color that I started with. It was a skein mom had given me. So I am finishing it up with the verigated pastel thread, which I think matches pretty well with the peach.


Pink Hat with Rose

I added a flower to the pink baby hat. It looks a lot bigger in this picture than it does in real life. Available for sale at our Etsy site: The Little Bird Cafe.